Let’s break up.
Are there things you participate in or do that you don’t remember why you started? You don’t really get a benefit from it? You don’t really see a purpose in continuing to do it? But you keep doing it. And you hate it. You despise having to do it.

Is Therapy for me?
Therapy is for people who want change, who want someone to listen, who are looking for support, who are looking for a place to be vulnerable, or who need a resource that is not vested in their lives.

New year. New you. Let’s not.
I’m going to stop eating sugar. I’m going to go to the gym every day. I’m going to stop drinking caffeine. I’m going to stop eating red meat. And the list could go on.
What does a new you really mean? Are we setting ourselves up for failure? Do you really need a new you?

Tele-counseling: Could this be the answer I have been looking for?
Have you thought about reaching out for some extra support, but you just aren’t sure about telehealth? You might be asking some questions like: Is it really effective? How will I connect? Is it going to be weird? How will I find the privacy to do this effectively? These are all valid questions, and, hopefully, questions that I can answer for you.

Resilience: How is your bounce-back game?
Anyone who has found their way to this article has likely faced some type of tough, trying, or even devastating life experience. There is a possibility that you never thought you would come back from the situation.

What Now? Here’s how to make each day different
Here we are, on the cusp of another month of the COVID-19 world. You might be thinking to yourself, "I can't take another minute of this." Let's talk about some things that you can do to combat this.

Embrace the suck
When working with clients, I often teach them to embrace the suck. Life is different right now and it is. If we spend our time fighting against it, instead of rolling with it, we find ourselves fighting quicksand. How can you work with what you have to make your days better?