Depression is real. It is not the same as feeling sad. And it is not your fault. Depression takes many shapes and forms. For some people, there’s a lingering gray cloud that is always hanging out overhead. Things may seem like they should be better, an event you enjoy or at least have in the past, but that looming gray cloud never goes away. For others, depression comes and goes like a visitor in the night, but when it shows up, it's debilitating. You may not have the motivation to complete tasks that would normally be easy to complete. You might feel tearful or extremely sad. You may be avoiding relationships that are important to you. You may feel angry, but not sure at what or why. These are some common explanations of depression, but there are many many variations and the feeling is unique for every individual.
The good news is: depression can get better. With treatment, people are able to see an improvement in their life and find more joy and happiness. Again, this experience is different for every individual. Some treatment may include medication, if you are open to that avenue and care to work with a psychiatrist or a physician; however, treatment can be only talk therapy if appropriate. Depression is shown to see improvement by having healthy relationships and support. Together, we will work to figure out the cause and identify ways to help improve that. The journey can be difficult and trying, perhaps I can walk through it with you as we navigate to finding some relief.